Here you will find some useful resources that may help you and your team to kick-off your project.
Your project manifesto is a document targeted mostly to newcomers so they can start working without inconvenience.
Your project's manifesto should include all necessary instructions in order to set up the project, run it, run tests, etc.
Just copy the following Template page and adapt it to your project.
We follow Gitflow's branching model for our projects. You can read about it here.
Continuous Delivery (CI) is the ability to get changes of all types (including new features, configuration changes, bug fixes and experiments) into production, or into the hands of users, safely and quickly in a sustainable way. We recommend every project to set up a CI.
We prefer containerizing our applications using Docker, and Docker Compose for more complex applications.
You can start your app find some good Docker Compose examples for Django. For specific applications you can also refer to the Docker samples page.
If just got a new MacBook, you should set up it correctly. This list covers the bare minimum requirements for developing a web application in a macOS based system.