<aside> 📢 Openly sharing ideas, code, and resources is part of who we are. This content is available online for public access! Check our License.
These are the guidelines that lead us to create beautiful software. Please contribute to it by following the Contributing Guidelines.
There three ways of read these guidelines:
Project Life Cycle: You can go over each different phase of the project life cycle to find the specific best practices that Sophilabs recommends.
Project Checklist: You can use our summarized checklist of project´s musts if you want to check or include some best practice in your project.
Training: If you are taking part of our Apprenticeship Program you should read the training guidelines to know the best practices that we use and recommend.
Read by structure:
Guidelines is Copyright (c) 2016-2019 sophilabs, inc. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the license page.
Guidelines is maintained and funded by sophilabs, inc. The names and logos for sophilabs are trademarks of sophilabs, inc.
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